一、 基本信息
武圣儒,男,1992年9月生,四川攀枝花人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。西北农林科技大学创新实验学院2010级创新实验班学生,2018年博士毕业于西北农林科技大学(导师姚军虎教授及杨小军教授),2021年于西北农林科技大学食品学院(2018-2021年,导师刘学波教授)及瑞典卡罗琳斯卡医学院(2019-2021年,导师Juan Du,瑞典卡罗琳斯卡奖学金资助全职博士后)完成博士后研究。
4.1 主持及参与项目
1. “十四五”国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作专项项目“奶牛甲烷精准减排技术开发与应用”,2024-2025,200万元,在研,参与
2. 陕西省三秦英才引进计划区域青年人才项目“产甲烷微生物-宿主互作遗传机制及低甲烷排放奶牛基因编辑育种靶点挖掘及实践”,2024-2026,30万元,在研,主持
3. “十四五”国家重点研发计划项目“特色畜奶、禽蛋特征品质分析与特征标准研究”子课题“绵羊奶特质性成分形成机理及环境互作效应”,2021-2025,160万元,在研,参与
4. 咸阳市秦创原专项项目“畜禽无抗养殖中药渣复方饲料及饲料添加剂研制与开发”,2023-2024,15万元,在研,参与
5. 科技部外国专家项目:奶山羊亚急性瘤胃酸中毒发生的宿主-微生物互作机制,2022-2023,15万元,在研,主持
6. 陕西省青年人才托举计划项目,20220203,奶山羊亚急性酸中毒易感性的宿主-微生物互作机制,2023-01至2024-12,3万元,在研,主持
7. 西北农林科技大学博士启动经费:奶山羊亚急性瘤胃酸中毒发生的宿主-微生物互作机制,2021-2023,15万元,结题,主持
8. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,31902183,奶山羊瘤胃上皮外泌体miRNA调控亚急性瘤胃酸中毒发生的宿主-微生物互作机制,2020-2022,24万元,结题,主持
9. 中国博士后基金委员会,面上项目,2019M653774,叶酸调控肉鸡脂代谢的父系营养表观遗传机制,2019-2021,8万元,结题,主持
10. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,32072761,胆汁酸肠肝循环介导日粮瘤胃可降解淀粉调控奶山羊乳脂合成的微生物学机制,2021-2024,58万元,在研,参与
4.2 发表文章情况
申请人以微生物与宿主营养表观遗传互作为切入点,以胃肠道健康调控的微生物机制为核心,在“奶畜瘤胃健康与高效泌乳的宿主-微生物互作机理及一体化调控体系”和“益生物质靶向调控肠道健康的父系表观遗传机制及关键益生菌及益生元开发”两个方向进行了系列研究。累计发表SCI论文影响因子250,H指数16,i10指数24。其中,近5年以第一作者或通讯作者(含共同)以第一作者或通讯作者(含共同)在Microbiome(2篇,IF=15.5)、iMeta(2篇,国产微生物期刊,2024年获得第一个IF,预计IF>20)、npj Biofilms and Microbiomes(2篇,IF=9.2)、Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences(1篇,自然指数期刊,IF=4.7)、JCI insight(1篇,IF=8.0)、Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology(5篇,IF=7.0)、Animal Nutrition(3篇,IF=6.3)、Journal of Dairy Science(1篇,IF=3.5)、Journal of Integrative Agriculture(1篇,IF=4.8)、International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (1篇,IF=8.2)、mSystems(1篇,IF=6.3)、Animal(1篇,IF=3.6)和Theriogenology(1篇,IF=2.8)等中科院一区期刊发表论文17篇,二区Top期刊发表论文8篇,累积影响因子203。
(1)Jin CJ#, Wu SR#, *, Liang ZQ, Zhang J, Lei XJ, Bai HX, Liang GF, Su XD, Chen XD, Wang PY, Wang Y, Guan LL*, Yao JH*. Multi-omics reveal mechanisms of high enteral starch diet mediated colonic dysbiosis via microbiome-host interactions in young ruminant. Microbiome, 2024, 12: 38.(IF=15.5,中科院一区)
(2)Zhang CG#, Wang MY#, Liu HF, Jiang XW, Chen XD, Liu T, Yin QY, Wang Y, Deng L, Yao JH*, Wu SR*. Multi-omics reveals that the host-microbiome metabolism crosstalk of differential rumen bacterial enterotypes can regulate the milk protein synthesis of dairy cows. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2023, 14(1):63.(IF=7,中科院一区)
(3)Wang DD, Chen LY, Tang GF, Yu JJ, Chen J, Li ZJ, Cao YC, Lei XJ, Deng L, Wu SR*, Guan LL*, Yao JH*. Multi-omics revealed the long-term effect of ruminal keystone bacteria and the microbial metabolome on lactation performance in adult dairy goats. Microbiome, 2023, 11:215.(IF=15.5,中科院一区)
(4)Zhang CG, Liu HF, Sun L, Wang Y, Chen XD, Du J*, Sjöling Å*, Yao JH*, Wu SR*. An overview of host-derived molecules that interact with gut microbiota. iMeta, 2023, 2: e88.(国产微生物期刊,2024年获得第一个IF,预计>20)
(5)Wu SR, Li XY, Chen XD, Zhu YF, Yao JH*. Optimizing the growth and immune system of dairy calves by subdividing the pre-weaning period and providing different milk volumes for each stage. Animal Nutrition, 2021, 7(4):1296-1302.(IF=6.3,中科院一区)
(6)Chen XD, Xu XD, Li JL, Yang YT, Wang PY, Yan F, Yao JH*, Wu SR*. Real-time monitoring of ruminal microbiota reveals their roles in dairy goats during subacute ruminal acidosis. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, 2021, 7(1):45.(IF=9.2,中科院一区)
(7)Wu SR, Cui ZH, Chen XD, Zheng LX, Ren H, Wang DD, Yao JH*. Diet-ruminal microbiome-host crosstalk contributes to differential effects of calf starter and alfalfa hay on rumen epithelial development and pancreatic α-amylase activity in calves. Journal of Dairy Science, 2021, 104(4):4326-4340.(IF=3.5,中科院一区)
(8)Zheng LX#, Wu SR#, Shen J, Han ZY, Jin CJ, Chen XD, Zhao SG, Cao YC, Yao JH*. High rumen degradable starch decreased goat milk fat via trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid-mediated downregulation of lipogenesis genes, particularly, INSIG1. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2020, 11:30.(IF=7,中科院一区)
(1)Sorini C#, Tripathi KP#, Wu SR#, Higdon SM, Wang J, Cheng LQ, Banerjee S, Reinhardt A, Kreslavsky T, Thorell A, Engstrand L, Du J*, Villablanca EJ*. Metagenomic and single-cell RNA-Seq survey of the Helicobacter pylori–infected stomach in asymptomatic individuals. JCI Insight. 2023, 8(4):e161042.(IF=8.0,中科院一区)
(2)Wu SR, Cheng L, Pennhag AAL, Seifert M, Guðnadóttir U, Engstrand L, Mints M, Andersson S, Du J*. The salivary microbiota is altered in cervical dysplasia patients and influenced by conization. iMeta, 2023, 2:e108.(2024年获得第一个IF,预计>20)
(3)Li XY#, Wang MY#, Liu SM#, Chen XD, Qiao Y, Yang XJ*, Yao JH*, Wu SR*. Paternal transgenerational nutritional epigenetic effect: A new insight into nutritional manipulation to reduce the use of antibiotics in animal feeding. Animal Nutrition, 2022, 11: 142-151.(IF=6.3,中科院一区)
(4)Wu SR, Hugerth LW, Schuppe-Koistinen Ina, Du J. The right bug in the right place: opportunities for bacterial vaginosis treatment. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes. 2022, 8(1):34.(IF=9.2,中科院一区)
(5)Wu SR, Hammarstedt-Nordenvall L, Jangard M, Cheng L, Radu SA, Angelidou P, Zha YH, Hamsten M, Engstrand L, Du J*, Ternhag A*. Tonsillar microbiota: a cross-sectional study of patients with chronic tonsillitis or tonsillar hypertrophy. mSystems. 2021, 6(2):e01302-20. (IF=6.3,中科院二区Top)
(6)Wu SR, Wang J, Zhu LQ, Ren H, Yang XJ*. A novel apidaecin Api-PR19 synergizes with the gut microbial community to maintain intestinal health and promote growth performance of broilers. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2020, 11:61.(IF=7.0,中科院一区)
(7)Wu SR, Guo W, Li XY, Liu YL, Lei XY, Yao JH*, Yang XJ*. Paternal chronic folate supplementation induced the transgenerational inheritance of acquired developmental and metabolic changes in chickens. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2019, 286(1910):20191653.(IF=4.7,自然指数期刊,中科院一区)
(8)Wu SR#, Li TH#, Niu HF, Zhu YF, Liu YL, Duan YL, Sun QZ, Yang XJ*. Effects of glucose oxidase on growth performance, gut function, and cecal microbiota of broiler chickens. Poultry Science, 2019, 98(2): 828-841.(IF=4.4,中科院一区)
4.3 奖励及学术兼职
受邀于国内外会议进行特邀报告20余次。入选陕西省三秦英才引进计划区域青年人才项目(2024)、陕西省科协青年人才托举计划项目(2022)和热心肠智库专家(2022),获中国畜牧兽医学会奖(2018)、动物营养学分会青年学者讲坛优秀奖(2021)及全国系统动物营养学学术研讨会优秀报告奖(2023)。申请人受邀担任iMeta杂志执行副主编和青年编委,Exploration、Agriculture Communications和Animals and Zoonoses杂志青年编委,Frontiers in Endocrinology和Frontiers in Nutrition杂志客座编辑,Gut Microbes、Animal Nutrition、Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry、Science of the Total Environment等20余本SCI杂志审稿人。
Email: wushengru2013@163.com; wushengru2013@nwafu.edu.cn