一、 基本信息
蔡瑞,男,副教授,硕士生导师。国家生猪产业技术体系繁殖技术岗位团队成员,国家乡村振兴重点帮扶县科技特派团成员,陕西省优秀博士学位论文获得者,陕西省科协青年人才托举计划入选者。主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题及陕西省自然科学基金等国家和省部级项目多项。在《Redox Biology》、《Journal of Biological Chemistry》、《Meat Science》、《Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology》、《Food Function》和《畜牧兽医学报》等国内外高水平期刊发表论文20余篇;担任《Agriculture Communications》杂志青年编委,《Journal of Biological Chemistry》、《Cell Proliferation》和《International Journal of Biological Macromolecules》等杂志审稿专家。
1. Yi XD#, Cai R#, Shaoyong WK#, Wang GY#, Yan WY, He ZZ, Li R, Chao MK, Zhao TT, Deng L*, Yang GS*, Pang WJ*. Melatonin promotes gut anti-oxidative status in perinatal rat by remodeling the gut microbiome. Redox Biology, 2023, 65: 102829.
2. Cai R, Chao MK, Zhao TT, Li R, Zhang ZY, Yan WY, Pang WJ*. miR-503 targets MafK to inhibit subcutaneous preadipocyte adipogenesis causing a decrease of backfat thickness in Guanzhong Black pigs. Meat Science, 2023, 198: 109116.
3. Li R, He ZZ, Yan WY, Yu H, Yi XD, Sha YW, Zhang QM, Cai R*, Pang WJ*. Tricaprylin, a medium-chain triglyceride, aggravates high-fat diet-induced fat deposition but improves intestinal health. Food & Function, 2023, 14(19): 8797-8813.
4. Cai R, Zhang Q, Wang YQ, Yong WL, Zhao R, Pang WJ*. Lnc-ORA interacts with microRNA-532-3p and IGF2BP2 to inhibit skeletal muscle myogenesis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2021, 296:100376.
5. Cai R, Qimuge N, Ma ML, Wang YQ, Tang GR, Zhang Q, Sun YM, Chen XC, Yu TY, Dong WZ, Yang GS, Pang WJ*. MicroRNA-664-5p promotes myoblast proliferation and inhibits myoblast differentiation by targeting serum response factor and Wnt1. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2018, 293(50): 19177-19190.
6. Cai R, Sun YM, Naren QMG, Wang GQ, Wang YQ, Chu GY, Yu TY, Yang GS, Pang WJ*. Adiponectin AS lncRNA inhibits adipogenesis by transferring from nucleus to cytoplasm and attenuating Adiponectin mRNA translation. BBA-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 2018, 1863(4): 420-432.
7. Cai R, Tang GR, Zhang Q, Yong WL, Zhang WR, Xiao JY, Wei CS, He C, Yang GS, Pang WJ*. A novel lnc-RNA, named lnc-ORA, is identified by RNA-Seq analysis, and its knockdown inhibits adipogenesis by regulating the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway. Cells, 2019, 8(5): E477.
8. Zhang Q#, Cai R#, Tang GR, Zhang WR, Pang WJ*. MiR-146a-5p targeting SMAD4 and TRAF6 inhibits adipogenesis through TGF-β and AKT/mTORC1 signal pathways in porcine intramuscular preadipocytes. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 2021, 12(1):12.
9. Sun Y#, Cai R#, Wang Y, Zhao R, Qin J, Pang WJ*. A Newly Identified LncRNA LncIMF4 Controls Adipogenesis of Porcine Intramuscular Preadipocyte through Attenuating Autophagy to Inhibit Lipolysis. Animals. 2020, 10(6):926.
10. Zhao TT, Zhao R, Yi XD, Cai R, Pang WJ*. METTL3 promotes proliferation and myogenic differentiation through m6A RNA methylation/YTHDF1/2 signaling axis in myoblasts. Life Sciences, 2022, 298: 120496.
11. He ZZ, Zhao TT, Qimuge N, Tian TT, Yan WY, Yi XD, Jin JJ, Cai R, Yu TY, Yang GS, Pang WJ*. COPS3 AS lncRNA enhances myogenic differentiation and maintains fast-type myotube phenotype. Cellular Signalling, 2022, 95: 110341.
12. Kou ZY, Hu BY, Li YQ, Cai R, Gao L, Chu GY, Yang GS, Pang WJ*. Boar seminal plasma improves sperm quality by enhancing its antioxidant capacity during liquid storage at 17°C. Zygote, 2022, 2022, 30(5):695-703.
13. Zhao R, Zhao TT, He ZZ, Cai R, Pang WJ*. Composition, isolation, identification and function of adipose tissue-derived exosomes. Adipocyte, 2021, 10(1): 587-604.
14. Chen FF, Wang YQ, Tang GR, Liu SG, Cai R, Gao Y, Sun YM, Yang GS*, Pang WJ*. Differences between porcine longissimus thoracis and semitendinosus intramuscular fat content and the regulation of their preadipocytes during adipogenic differentiation. Meat Science, 2019, 147(1):116-126.
15. Gao Y, Qimuge NR, Qin J, Cai R, Li X, Chu GY, Pang WJ*, Yang GS*. Acute and chronic cold exposure differentially affects the browning of porcine white adipose tissue. Animal, 2018, 12(7):1435-1441.
16. Chen XC, Sun YM, Cai R, Wang GQ, Shu XY, Pang WJ*. Long noncoding RNA: multiple players in gene expression. BMB Reports, 2018, 51(6): 281-290.
17. Ma ML, Wang XM, Chen XC, Cai R, Chen FF, Dong WZ, Yang GS, Pang WJ*. MicroRNA-432 targeting E2F3 and P55PIK inhibits myogenesis through PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway. RNA Biology, 2017, 14(3): 347-360.
18. 任志强,王晨阳,寇忠云,蔡瑞,杨公社,庞卫军*. 运用计算机断层扫描技术活体评估种公猪瘦肉率、脂肪率和肌内脂肪含量. 中国农业科学, 2023, 56(9): 1787-1799.
19. 秦雪, 沙懿文, 杨梦豪, 蔡瑞, 庞卫军*. 非编码RNA调控哺乳动物子宫内膜容受性和蜕膜化的研究进展. 畜牧兽医学报, 2023, 54(4): 1347–1358.
20. 何春, 张琦悦, 孙浩玮, 蔡瑞, 庞卫军*. miRNA和lncRNA在动物脂肪沉积中的研究进展. 生物工程学报, 2020, 36(08): 1504-1514.
21.韩皓哲, 帖子航, 庞卫军, 蔡瑞*. IGF2BP2介导的m6A修饰调控动物脂肪沉积的研究进展.畜牧兽医学报, 2023, 54(09): 3605-3612.
5.陕西省博士后科研项目:FTO介导的lncRNA-NMA1 m6A修饰调控猪肌内前体脂肪细胞成脂分化的作用机制研究(2023BSHEDZZ139),2024.01-2025.12,5.00万元;