
Jiajia Yu



Jiajia Yu

Date of birth: 1993.06

Educational Experience

2011.9-2015.7 Bachelor, Yantai University, China

2015.9-2020.6 Master,PhD, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Work Experience

2020.7-present, Lecturer at College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University

Research Interest

1.Research on development of fish immune function and disease resistance

2.Research on interaction between environmental factors(such as temperature) and host

Main Publications

  1. Yu, J., Wang, H., , Liu, B., 2022. Changes in gluconeogenesis pathways and key genes associated with mass mortality in the clam Meretrix petechialis upon Vibrio infection. Aquaculture. 548, 737691.

    Yu, J., Li, Y., Zhang, Z., Chen, Y., Yu, H., Mo, H., & Wang, L. 2022. Genome-wide identification of MKK and MAPK gene families and their expression analysis under abiotic stress in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Aquaculture, 561, 738688.

3. Yu, J., Wang, M., Liu, B., Yue, X., Li, C. 2019. Gill symbionts of the cold-seep mussel Bathymodiolus platifrons: Composition, environmental dependency and immune control. Fish & shellfish immunology. 86: 246-252.

4. Yu, J., Wang, H., Yue, X., Liu, B. 2019. Dynamic immune and metabolism response of clam Meretrix petechialis to Vibrio challenge revealed by a time series of transcriptome analysis. Fish & shellfish immunology. 94: 17-26.


E-mail: yujiajia12@nwafu.edu.cn