
Gang Ren



Dr. Ren is interested in understanding the dynamic changes and regulatory mechanisms of high-order chromatin structure, and how these contribute to processes like cellular development, differentiation, and cell fate decision. He also wants to understand how the interplay between transcription factors and various chromatin modifying enzymes regulates the dynamic epigenomic landscapes in immune cells. Dr. Ren is especially interested in promoting the applications of these cutting-edge technologies in animal (livestock) breeding and genetics.


2021- Present, Principal Investigator, Tenue-truck Professor, College

of animal science and technology, Northwest A&F

University, China.

2016 - 2021 Postdoc/visiting fellow at National Institutes of Health,  

Bethesda, MD, USA.

2009 - 2015 Ph.D. in Genetics, College of animal science and

technology, Northwest A&F University, China,

NIH GPP student (2011-2015), Bethesda, MD, USA.    

2006 - 2009 M.S in Genetics, College of animal science and

technology, Northwest A&F University, China.

2002 - 2006 B.S in Biology Science, College of animal science and

technology, Northwest A&F University, China.

Research Areas:

1. The underlying mechanism of dynamic changes of three-dimensional chromatin structure, and its regulatory function in gene expression and cell differentiation.  

2. Epigenetic regulation in cell fate determination

3. Elucidating the epigenetic determinants of animal complex traits and diseases

Selected Publications: (*Corresponding Author)

1. T Zhen#, YQ Cao#, G Ren, Ling Zhao, et al. RUNX1 and CBFβ-SMMHC transactivate target genes together in abnormal myeloid progenitors for leukemia development. Blood. 2020 Nov 19;136(21):2373-2385.

2. CTCF and cellular heterogeneity. G Ren#*, K Zhao*. Cell & Bioscience 9 (1), 1-7.

3. Rodriguez J, Ren G, et al. Intrinsic Dynamics of a Human Gene Reveal the Basis of Expression Heterogeneity. Cell. 2019 Jan 10;176(1-2):213-226.e18.

4. C. Harly, D. Kenney, G. Ren, et al. The transcription factor TCF-1 enforces commitment to the innate lymphoid cell lineage. Nat Immunol. 2019 Sep; 20(9): 1150–1160.

5. G Ren#, KR Cui#, CY Liu, JF Zhu and Keji Zhao*. Negative regulation of Ifng expression by MLL4 through CNS-28. J Immunol, May 1, 2020, 204 (1 Supplement) 76.10.

6. Lai B, Tang Q, Jin W, Hu G, Wangsa D, Cui K, Stanton BZ, Ren G, Ding Y, et al. Trac-looping measures genome structure and chromatin accessibility. Nat Methods. 2018 Sep;15(9):741-747.

7. G. Ren#, Jin W#, Cui K, Rodrigez J, Hu G, Zhang Z, Larson DR, Zhao K*.  CTCF-Mediated Enhancer-Promoter Interaction Is a Critical Regulator of Cell-to-Cell Variation of Gene Expression. Mol. Cell. 2017 Sep 21;67(6):1049-1058.e6.

8. Jin W, Tang Q, Wan M, Cui K, Zhang Y, Ren G, et al. Genome-wide detection of DNase I hypersensitive sites in single cells and FFPE tissue samples. Nature. 2015 (3); 528(7580):142-6.

9. G Ren#, KR Cui#, ZY Zhang*, KJ Zhao*. Division of labor between IRF1 and IRF2 in regulating different stages of transcriptional activation in cellular antiviral activities. Cell & Bioscience. 2015, 5: 17

10. Dowen JM#, Fan ZP,# Hnisz D#, Ren G#, Abraham BJ, Zhang LN, Weintraub AS, Schuijers J, Lee TI, Zhao K*, Young RA*. Control of cell identity genes occurs in insulated neighborhoods in mammalian chromosomes. Cell. 2014 Oct 9; 159 (2):374-87.

Email: rengang666@nwafu.edu.cn


Post-doctoral Fellow;  Ph.D. candidates;  Master degree candidates.