
Zhouzheng Ren



Associate Professor

Mail Address

College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University, 22 Xinong Road, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China



Education and Working Experiences

2006-2010, B.S., Sichuan Agricultural University (Animal Sciences)

2010-2016, Ph.D., Sichuan Agricultural University (Animal Disease-Resistance Nutrition)

2014-2016, Sandwich Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison (Poultry Nutrition and Nutritional Immunology)

2016-2018, Postdoctoral, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Poultry Nutrition and Nutritional Immunology)

2018-2020, Lecture, Northwest A&F University (Animal Nutrition and Feed Science)

2020-present, Associate professor, Northwest A&F University (Animal Nutrition and Feed Science)

Research Interests

The overall goal of my research program is to investigate the interactions between nutrition and health during the super-long production cycle of laying hens using interdisciplinary approaches such as molecular nutrition, epigenetics, microbiology and bioengineering. Specific research directions include: 1) Nutrition and health mechanisms of the super-long laying cycle of laying hens; 2) The interaction between skeletal disease and metabolic syndrome in laying hens; 3) Nutritional regulation techniques for improving egg quality; 4) Excavation and utilization of biologically active substances from chicken eggs.

Selected Publications

1. Xujie Liao #, Jiakun Yan #, Jionghao Chen, Zhenyu Huang, Tianshuai Xiao, Changqing Li, Chong Pan, Xin Yang, Yanli Liu, Thomas D. Crenshaw, Xiaojun Yang, Zhouzheng Ren*. 2022. A simple daily dynamic feeding regimen for reducing phosphorus consumption and excretion in laying hens.  Animal Nutrition . 11:132-141. Doi: 10.1016/j.aninu.2022.07.003.

2. Zhouzheng Ren #, Jiakun Yan #, Rose Whelan, Xujie Liao, Daniel E. Bütz, Maria K. Arendt, Mark E. Cook, Xiaojun Yang*, Thomas D. Crenshaw*. 2022. Dietary supplementation of sulfur amino acids improves intestinal immunity to  Eimeria  in broilers treated with anti-interleukin-10 antibody.  Animal Nutrition . 10:382-389. Doi: 10.1016/j.aninu.2022.06.008.

3. Zhou Zheng Ren #, Jia Kun Yan #, Chong Pan, Yan Li Liu, Hao Yu Wen, Xin Yang, Xin Huo Huang, Xin Gen Lei, Xiao Jun Yang*. 2020. Supplemental nicotinamide dose-dependently regulates body phosphorus excretion via altering type II sodium-phosphate co-transporter expressions in laying hens.  The Journal of Nutrition . 150(8):2070-2076. Doi:10.1093/jn/nxaa148.

4. Zhouzheng Ren #, Wenqiang Sun #, Xi Cheng, Yanli Liu, Di Han, Jiakun Yan, Chong Pan, Yulan Duan, Xiaojun Yang*. 2020. The adaptability of Hy-Line Brown laying hens to low phosphorus diets supplemented with phytase.  Poultry Science . 99(7):3525-3531. Doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2020.03.033.

5. Zhouzheng Ren*, Daniel E. Bütz, Rose Whelan, Victor Naranjo, Maria K. Arendt, Mitchell D. Ramuta, Xiaojun Yang, Thomas D. Crenshaw and Mark E. Cook. 2020. Effects of dietary methionine plus cysteine levels on growth performance and intestinal antibody production in broilers during  Eimeria  challenge.  Poultry Science . 99(1):374-384. Doi: 10.3382/ps/pez503.

6. Zhouzheng Ren #, Jiakun Yan #, Qianli Hu, Xinshuai Liu, Chong Pan, Yanli Liu, Xiaozhen Zhang, Xin Yang and Xiaojun Yang *. 2020. Phosphorus restriction changes the expression of fibroblast growth factor 23 and its receptors in laying hens.  Frontiers in Physiology . 11:85. Doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.00085.

7. Zhouzheng Ren #, Wenqiang Sun #, Yanli Liu, Zhipeng Li, Di Han, Xi Cheng, Jiakun Yan and Xiaojun Yang*. 2019. Dynamics of serum phosphorus, calcium, and hormones during egg laying cycle in Hy-Line Brown laying hens.  Poultry Science . 98(5):2193-2200. DOI:10.3382/ps/pey572.

8. Zhouzheng Ren*, Alexis J. Piepenburg, Daniel E. Bütz, James R. Claus and Mark E. Cook. 2018. Vaccine to fibroblast growth factor 23 peptides increases eggshell strength.  Poultry Science . 97(3):882-889. DOI:10.3382/ps/pex373.

9. Zhouzheng Ren, Marziyeh Ebrahimi, Daniel E. Bütz, Jordan M. Sand, Keying Zhang and Mark E. Cook*. 2017. Antibody to fibroblast growth factor 23-peptide reduces excreta phosphorus of laying hens.  Poultry Science . 96(1):127-134. DOI:10.3382/ps/pew189.

10. Zhouzheng Ren, Shizhen Jiang, Qiufeng Zeng, Xuemei Ding, Shiping Bai, Jianping Wang, Yuheng Luo, Zhuowei Su, Yue Xuan, Bing Yao, Fernando Cisneros and Keying Zhang *. 2016. Effect of dietary canthaxanthin and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplementation on the performance of duck breeders under two different vitamin regimens.  Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology . 7:2. DOI: 10.1186/s40104-016-0062-3.