
Xiurong Xu


1. Basic information

Xu Xiurong, female, born in Yingshan County, Hubei Province in November 1969. Doctor, associate professor, master and doctoral tutor. From 1990 to 1994, studying in Jilin Agricultural University as an undergraduate; Joined the College of Animal Science and Technology of Northwest A&F Universityin 1994. In December 1999, received hermaster's degree in Animal Nutrition and Feed Science from Northwest A&F University;Received her doctor's degree in Animal Genetics and breeding from Northwest A&F University inJune 2004. From September 2010 to September 2011, a visiting scholar at the University of Pennsylvania.

2. Research field

Animal intestinal health and nutrition regulation in ruminants. A member of InnovationResearch Team of Animal Nutrition and Healthy Feeding, College of Animal Science and Technology.

3. The courses

From 1994 to 2004, undertook undergraduate courses such as "Special Economic Animal Production", "Medicinal Animal" and "Feed Science". Since joining the Biochemistry Teaching and Research Group of the College of Animal Science and Technology in 2005, she has been undertaking the theoretical and experimental courses of Animal Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for undergraduate students, and teaching the course of Special Economic Feeding for postgraduate students. The course “Animal Biochemistry” was awarded as the best course in Shaanxi Province in 2015.

4. Researchproject

(1)Shaanxi Province Agricultural Research Project, Study on the effect of new probiotic combination selection and oligosaccharide combination on diarrhea rate of calves fed milk replacer(2022NY-088), 2022/01-2024/12, 80,000 yuan, host.

(2) Subproject participant of the 13th Five-Year Plan Project "Research on the Interaction Mechanism between Intestinal Health of Livestock and Digestive Tract Microbes (2017YFD0500500)"; July 2017-December 2020.12; 320,000 yuan (personal funds as the backbone); Subject backbone.

(3) Shaanxi Provincial Industry Innovation Chain "Feed Quality Control technology System integration and application (2017TSCXL-NY-04-03)", cooperation project; 2017.8-2019.12; 250,000 yuan (personal expenses); Cooperative project.

(4) Shaanxi Province Agricultural Research Project, K331021301, Rabbit specific probiotics development and probiotics phased addition technology research, 2014/01-2016/12, 80,000 yuan, host.

(5) Basic Research Fund, Northwest A&F University, QN2012061, Study on the effects of acidifiers on Intestinal Microbial and Digestive Enzyme activities of weaned Rabbits, 2013/01-2015/12, 200,000 yuan, completed, Host.

(6) Northwest A&F University Basic Research Expenses, Research on the effectiveness of nitrate on Rumen methane Emission and its mechanism, 2015/01-2016/12, 55,000 yuan, host.

3) Other projects

(1) National Natural Science Foundation of China, 31072001, Research on the Origin and Evolution of Y Chromosome Haplotype and Equine, 2011/01-2013/12, 320,000 yuan, completed, the first participant.

(2) 863 Project, 2008AA10Z138, Identification and Application of Important Functional Genes for lactation Traits in dairy goats, 2008/01-2012/12, 500,000 yuan, completed, participant.

(3) 863 Project, 2006AA10Z197, Study on Important Functional Genes and molecular Markers for Traits of Qinchuan Cattle and Nanyang Beef, 2006/01-2010/12, 500,000 yuan, completed, participants.

4) Recentpublished papers

1. Cui M, Tang G, Yan F, Wang S, Wang X, Yao J, Xu XR. Oral administration of heat-inactivatedEscherichia coliduring suckling alleviatedSalmonella typhimurium-derived intestinal injury after rat weaning. Front Immunol. 2023,5;14:1119747.doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1119747.

2.Wang X.,Wang SS., Yan,F.,Yang, WQ., Tang,GF.,Cui, MH., Xu,XR. Intraperitoneal injection ofβ-glucan during the suckling period improved the intestinal health of newly weaned rabbits by enhancing immune responses. Livestock Science, 2023. 272,105214.

3. Pang J, Liu L, Liu X, Wang Y, Chen B, Wu S, Yao J, Xu X. A novel identified Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which exhibited nitrate- and nitrite-dependent methane oxidation abilities, could alleviate the disadvantages caused by nitrate supplementation in rumen fluid fermentation. MicrobBiotechnol. 2021;14(4):1397-1408. doi: 10.1111/1751-7915.13726.

4.Chen B, Tang G, Guo W, Lei J, Yao J, Xu X. Detection of the Core Bacteria in Colostrum and Their Association with the Rectal Microbiota and with Milk Composition in Two Dairy Cow Farms. Animals (Basel). 2021;11(12):3363. doi: 10.3390/ani11123363.

5.Shen XM, Cui HX, Xu XR. Orally administered Lactobacillus casei exhibited several probiotic properties in artificially suckling rabbits. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 2020;33(8):1352-1359. doi: 10.5713/ajas.18.0973.

6. Cui HX, Xu XR. Comparing the effect of intestinal bacteria from rabbit, pig, and chicken on inflammatory response in cultured rabbit crypt and villus. Can J Microbiol. 2019;65(1):59-67. doi: 10.1139/cjm-2017-0757.

7. Guo L, Liu B, Zheng C, Bai H, Ren H, Yao J, Xu X. Inhibitory effect of high leucine concentration on α-amylase secretion by pancreatic acinar cells: possible key factor of proteasome. Biosci Rep. 2018;38(6):BSR20181455. doi: 10.1042/BSR20181455.

8.Liu L, Xu X, Cao Y, Cai C, Cui H, Yao J. Nitrate decreases methane production also by increasing methane oxidation through stimulating NC10 population in ruminal culture. AMB Express. 2017;7(1):76. doi: 10.1186/s13568-017-0377-2.

9.Kehua Zhu;Xiurong Xu; Defa Sun; Jiliang Tang; Yukun Zhang. Effects of drinking water acidification by organic acidifier on growth performance, digestive enzyme activity and caecal bacteria in growing rabbits, Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2014, 190(4): 87-94.

5. Contact information

Address: College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University, No.22, Xinong Road, Yangling, Shaanxi, China

Zip Code: 712100

Contact number: 17791403990 (office)

Email: xuxiurong@nwafu.edu.cn (preferred)